Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder pain is a common complaint that we hear about at our physio clinic from our patients. Since so many different structures make up the shoulder, it is susceptible to many different problems including shoulder impingement. To understand shoulder impingement, we first need to describe for you what makes up a shoulder. Anatomy of the […]

Physiotherapy for Tennis Elbow

Have you been diagnosed with tennis elbow and thought to yourself “But I don’t play tennis!” Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who has thought this. Only 5% of people suffering from tennis elbow relate the injury to tennis! Don’t let the name confuse you. People who play sports are not the only people […]

Knee Replacement Surgery

Arthritis is inflammation of one or more of your joints. Along with inflammation, people usually experience pain, swelling, and stiffness from arthritis. If you have arthritis in your knee, it may make everyday activities, such as walking or climbing stairs, hard to do. Physiotherapy can help arthritis in your knee or knees by reducing the […]

Plantar Fasciitis

Today we’re talking about heel pain. Experiencing heel pain that prevents you from moving around can be very disruptive to daily living. If you are experiencing pain in the bottom of your heel, it may be worth getting checked out. It could be that your plantar fascia ligament is inflamed and could be causing your […]

Physiotherapy & Kinesiology

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